What is Taylor Kitsch's Height?

Taylor Kitsch is 5ft 10 ¾" tall

Taylor Kitsch Height

Taylor Kitsch, standing at a height of 5 feet 10 inches (179.7 centimeters), has leveraged his stature as an integral aspect of his persona, embodying roles that demand a commanding presence. Initially gaining recognition for his portrayal of high school football player Tim Riggins on the critically-acclaimed television series "Friday Night Lights," Kitsch's athletic build and height have been essential in portraying characters with physical prowess and inherent charisma.

In his transition to film, Kitsch's height continued to complement his casting choices. He took on roles that highlighted his athletic physique, such as the lead in "John Carter," a physically demanding part that benefited from his height, reinforcing the heroic and larger-than-life aspect of the character. Similarly, his role as Lieutenant Alex Hopper in "Battleship" required a presence suggestive of a credible military figure, which his height helped authenticate.

Media mentions of Kitsch's height often align with his roles, showcasing him as the classic Hollywood leading man with an imposing physicality. This consistent typecasting due to his height and build has led to a public image intertwined with rugged, physically-demanding characters. Taylor Kitsch's career is illuminated by his performances that capitalize on his commanding height, contributing to his success and recognition in the entertainment industry.

Off-screen, Kitsch's height has seldom been a focal point in the press. Instead, discussions about his physical attributes usually center on his broader appeal and fitness, which align with the action-oriented and dramatic roles he frequently inhabits. Despite the limited attention given to his height in media conversations, it remains an undercurrent in his career narrative, subtly shaping the roles for which he is known and continues to be cast.

How tall is Taylor Kitsch in ft, meters, cm, mm & inches? 👇

Height Metric Taylor Kitsch Height
Feet 5ft 10 ¾"
Meters 1.80m
CM (Centimeters) 179.7cm
MM (Millimeters) 1797mm
Inches 70.75"

How tall is Taylor Kitsch compared to other Friday Night Lights cast members?

Item Percent
Michael B Jordan 5ft 10
Minka Kelly 5ft 5
Jurnee Smollett 5ft 6
Connie Britton 5ft 7
Aimee Teegarden 5ft 6
Kyle Chandler 6ft ½
Jesse Plemons 5ft 10
Scott Porter 5ft 10

Explore our full list of Friday Night Lights Cast Heights

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